Thursday 16 August 2012

Great Adds to the New School Wardrobe


Soo school reopens in about three weeks and I just got a ton of new stuff to wear but I'm in one of my that's too nice for school moods... I mean having to travel to school, plus having class all day and walking through grass and rain and sun  and maybe even laying in the grass doesn't exactly excite the ohh lets wear that new cute top gene in me...It's usually the sleep more rush to pick an outfit mood that hits me on a regular. Come on people lets be real here unless you went to University mainly to find your spouse we all have those I really don't care days...
So I say the easiest thing to do is jeans a tank or tee and a sweater...I've recently updated my style from sweaters to pashminas or shawls, they keep me warm in class and they spice up my outfit, and its way easier than lugging around a sweater all day especially in Trini bi-polar weather. They come in all colours, patterns, they are by far my new favourite accessory.

Check out these cute ones from Wonderful World, they are really not that expensive either... Cute, Inexpensive and Functional that's always a WIN

OMG I just got the best shoes ever for school!

So everybody knows about Crocs right those highlighter colour sandals that look like you could strain rice and noodles in if you lost your colander...Well they have evolved and I must say I am impressed...though Crocs haven't abandoned their original design they've added to their collection with shoes that someone older than single digit ages can be proud to wear plus it comes with all the comfort of Crocs technology with way more style... Even the name I can get behind, they're called the Sexi Flip <3

I have to say these shoes are soo comfy and they look great and are light, Crocs really did a great job! Another WIN

So one of my friends thought I should add to this post lol her bright idea was to talk about all the stuff in my that might take a while since in my bag I carry basically my whole life...
I'm one of those girls that has the bag that's bigger than her, I'm 4'9 and yes you usually see my bag before you see me even though most people will say they hear me before they see me but that's a different blog for a different day.
My bag is soo big though because there are some things I just can't leave the house without. Besides the obvious books and stationary which is by itself a lot because I love pens and highlighters and markers and post its and those little tabs and arrows, my books have to look like a rainbow that's just me oh and random papers and folders and crap...
So other than that we gotta have the pashmina like we talked about before and then you gots to add your 'girly bag' this has lotion, soap, sanitizer, perfume, tissue, toiletries, some make up and by that I mean powder, eye liner and lip balm...this is school not le club, we probably have a nail file and nail clipper in there too and a hair brush...all necessary tools for life...  Then you have your umbrella, your water probably a little snack and on those really bad days that you have to pack your laptop... no wonder ppl see the bag first. This semester I got this Aero Wave Canvas Tote from Aeropstale so we'll see how it works out, the only thing that I don't like is that it doesn't have a top zip but I can live with that.

I hoped my lil chat was fun!


  1. I wear pashminas too! They are so easy to work with n great thing about them is that they fold up to small little packages that can fit into the school tote!

  2. yes they are awesome I think they should be a wardrobe staple

  3. so the crocs are working out well, and my bag holds a tone its like an abyss sometimes lol
